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Robert Cooper


9 Things Not to Do in a Widespread Civil Unrest

Civil unrest takes many forms. Whether it’s in its beginning stages or has turned into running battles between authorities and bands of protestors, one...

20 Reasons To Stock Up On Honey

Honey is one of Mother Nature’s greatest gifts and an important item to add to your survival supplies. But it is more urgent than ever that you...

Ways to Teach Children About the Dangers of Wild Animals

As parents and caregivers, you want to teach children about wild animals and help them develop a healthy respect for wildlife, both in their...

20 EMP-Proof Survival Items You Should Be Stockpiling

One of the disasters that preppers fear the most is an EMP (electromagnetic pulse). Why? Because it would literally throw us back a couple hundred years...

Economic Collapse Movies Every Prepper Needs to Watch

From the Great Depression to the Great Recession, economic collapse has threatened society at various stages. The modern world, with our reliance on electronics...

18 Principles Of Bleeding Control

The risk of hemorrhage from traumatic injury exists in good times or bad, whether it’s due to a motor vehicle accident, a work mishap, civil unrest,...

I Tried Eating Like a Pioneer for 100 Days and This...

When the pioneers were moving out West, they didn’t have any grocery stores, supermarkets, or restaurants they could stop by to resupply themselves as...

Assemble a Sewing Repair Kit to Extend the Life of Your...

Some of the links in this post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission...

How to Create a Custom Bug Out Plan

A bug-out plan is a strategic evacuation roadmap, designed for swiftly leaving an area during emergencies. It underpins your safety, ensuring prompt, organized departure...

20 Medicinal Herbs Every Prepper Must Grow

Knowing how to find, grow, and use medicinal herbs is an important skill to develop for any seasoned prepper. After all, many of the life-saving...