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Sarah Gregor


Transportation After the SHTF

One of the subjects that seems to get overlooked in the prepping community is that of transportation. Oh, we’re great at talking about our...

6 suggestions for prepping in the city

Imagine this: You’re cozily nestled at home, wrapped up in blankets, and enjoying a TV show while a blizzard rages outside. Then, out of...

The Experts Are Wrong. Don’t Stockpile These Foods for Emergencies

You’ve seen the lists of emergency foods from various “experts.” At first glance, the foods on these lists seem to make sense. But, when...

Natural Remedies for Colds and Flus

As winter is in full force, the telltale signs of sneezes, sniffles, and the occasional fever are ever-present reminders of the importance of proactive...

Call Me Crazy, But Was There A COVID Cover-Up?

The COVID pandemic is over, and the virus is now one of those that circulate through the population annually. There has always been doubt,...

Are You Ready for a Flood?

Back in 2017, Hurricane Harvey stalled over Southeast Houston, causing widespread flooding. At the time, I lived a few hundred miles away, well outside...

This Is What Your Neighbor Might Already Know About You

Whether your home is a large sprawling property, a suburban house, or an apartment in a big city, nosey neighbors seem to always find...

10 Common Plants You Can Turn Into Flour [Part I]

Flour, rice, and beans are among the staples that most preppers consider when discussing long-term food storage. Indeed, many individuals are storing these food...

How Well Can Your Home Withstand Disasters?

For most of us, our homes are a key part of our survival strategy. Our “Plan A” is to bug in, staying home through...

Supply Chain Disruptions and Your Family’s Survival

Some of the links in this post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission...